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Marlene Scardamalia

Dr. Marlene Scardamalia is a University Distinguished Professor of Knowledge Innovation & Technology at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. She also directs the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology and serves as President of Knowledge Building Research International. In these various capacities, she leads a worldwide innovation network transforming schools for education for knowledge creation. Her work focuses on democratizing knowledge by exploring Knowledge Building theoretical models, social structures, pedagogies, and technologies to enable “a place for everyone in a knowledge society.” 

Join us for Dr. Scardamalia's Keynote Address on March 25th, 2022 at 9:00 AM

Room Location & Zoom Link will be announced soon.
Dr. Scardamalia will present virtually, and will be streamed on campus.

TITLE: Advancing Knowledge for Public Good




Knowledge Building enables production and continual improvement of ideas and artefacts of value to a community.  A knowledge building community operates within a community-of-communities, connected historically and globally, enabling accomplishments greater than the sum of individual contributions and part of broader cultural efforts. Internet communication, plentiful resources, diverse media, and increasing accessibility provide important modern infrastructure, yet a different order of support is required for pervasive and inclusive engagement to advance knowledge for public good. Knowledge creation must become part and parcel of daily work, coextensive with work in global innovation networks. That, in turn, requires innovations to uncover new student competencies, foster new models of professional development and assessment, and envision collective intelligence channelled into students’ capacity to address problems of the modern world.  This presentation provides an overview of theoretical, practical, and technological underpinnings of Knowledge Building to address these challenges.

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